I have been an at home mom for so long that I have come to look at myself as just mom. I have also come to realize that I am miserable with this. I do work one day a week, but it doesn't really fulfill me.
I used to have a career, hobbies, and friends to hang around with. Now I have laundry, cooking, housework and my kids activities and needs to tend to. I have nothing that excites or inspires me. I have started reading books on self fulfillment. Eat Pray Love, The Happiness Project, are just a couple of them. I am looking for answers but seem to be lacking motivation.
I know that I procrastinate. I always have. I believe it is a tactic for avoiding failure and disappointing people. I know that I am no longer living up to my potential.
I always loved to write. I love taking pictures and I would love to travel a little. Writing this blog is me beginning to do what I love while I figure the rest out. This is going to be my journey.
Sherry, Welcome to the Journey. :)