Today is fat Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday for Catholics. This means that for those of us practicing, we traditionally give up something until Easter.
In my household we have a second option. We can step up. What does that mean? Well, it means that you step up for the Lenten season and do something positive. For example you will be kind to at least one person everyday, or you will volunteer to help someone less fortunate, you get the idea. You step up to do something positive until Easter.
My children have found this to work better when they were younger. Instead of setting themselves up for failure by giving up something impossible they set themselves up for success and develop a positive trait in the process.
This year my boys are old enough to give up something. They are giving up arguing with one another. This should be interesting since this is their favorite pastime lately. They will replace insults with positive reinforcement.
I am giving up potato chips. This may not seem like much but if you know me then you know that I go through a couple of bags of chips myself every week. My boys are a little worried that I might be miserable to live with. I think I will be fine once I detox from the salt and carbs that I crave. I will have to do double duty and step up this year. I will resolve to step up and check my mood as the time progresses.
Whatever you are giving up or stepping up to for this season ask yourself why you are choosing the choice you made. Is it for your benefit or the benefit of others? Both is a good answer. If you are unsure of what to give up then look back to your New Years resolution. Now might be the perfect time to reinforce what you resolved to do almost two months ago. Step up to improve your health by exercising, or give up an unhealthy food.
Whatever you choose good luck and remember you only fail if you quit trying. Nobody expects perfection.
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