Thursday, July 21, 2011

new teen in the house

My son just turned 13 yesterday. He is my first born, so I am new to the whole "teenager" thing. I really can't believe that my baby is now a teenager. Where did the years go? They do seem to pass by so quickly, just like people said at my baby shower. I am so very grateful that I had the opportunity to stay home with him for most of his childhood. I did work part time for the first couple of years, but after his brother was born it just didn't make financial since to pay someone else to raise my children. Most of my paycheck would have gone to a childcare provider. My husband and I cut some of our expenses and made it work.
So, about my new teen. I really can't complain to much about him. Yes, he gets fresh sometimes, talks back on occasion, and needs extra prompting to get things done. He needs to learn that it is okay to question authority, but it has to be done respectfully. Life lessons. On a positive note though, he is kind, caring and helpful when I need him to be. He has been bullied in school for a couple of years but never became a bully himself. He struggles with his self esteem because of this, but he never compromises his moral and values. He makes good life choices, has faith, has an open heart and an open mind.  He does question everything because he wants to know everything. That really isn't a bad quality, but he needs to learn some boundaries with it. He is only 13 after all. He understands the importance of education and frequently makes the honor roll. I am very proud of him.
This is new territory. People keep telling "just wait". I hope that I have raised him with enough of a good foundation that he continues to make his good decisions. I hope he continues to explore the world with gusto. I frequently remind him that it is good to spread his wings and fly. The world is a big and beautiful place full of adventure, and I will always be his home base if needs a place to land. We live in a small town where I find most people don't leave. I hope that isn't him. I don't mind if he comes back someday, but I hope that I am raising him with the confidence to see what else he be, do, have, live.
I say bring on the teen years. I am now raising a young man, not teaching a child. I welcome the challenge. If I didn't then what kind of roll model would I be?

1 comment:

  1. You both have done a fine job with the boys. I am sure he will do well as a teen because he has two strong leaders in his life. I often point to you as a good example of what parenting is supposed to be; tough, but loving; hard, but fair. You are not afraid to let them explore and learn from their own mistakes which is so important in learning how to be a successful adult. Have fun with this next chapter in your lives!
