Saturday, December 31, 2011

New year new adventures

Today we end 2011. Looking back it was a pretty good year. We had a job, good health, good friends.
Tomorrow is a new year with new expectations. I never set one resolution. I set a different resolution each month so that I can work on what I need to improve at that time. This year I am making full year resolution in addition to my monthly resolution.
This year I resolve to take at least one picture with my camera every day. I love photography and I tend to not take time for things that I love on a regular basis. This will ensure that I do.
My monthly resolution for the month of January is to clean through my kitchen. I have a lot of new gadgets that I got for Christmas and my kitchen is a mess from the holidays. This resolution makes perfect sense for me during this month.
Setting a monthly resolution avoids the issue of getting halfway through the year and not keeping something a set myself to 6 months prior.
Have a wonderful time celebrating tonight, be safe.
Next year make it better. Love your family, love your friends, help someone in need and make time for yourself.
Live Laugh Love.

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